Richard Hull is included in American Genre: Contemporary Painting, at the ICA at the Maine College of Art, curated by Michelle Grabner. The exhibition opens on July 20th.
Hull also had a painting in Beyond Bounds • Dazzling, an exhibition shown at the Nerman Museum in Overland Park, KS in April 2017.
Kate Petley’s work was recently shown in Dublin, Ireland in an exhibition for PhotoIreland 2017 at Rathfarnham Castle. The exhibition was the culmination of the How To Flatten A Mountain residency at Cow House Studios in County Wexford.
An insightful essay by Scott Gleeson on Petley’s work is featured in the journal Peripheral Visions.
Brenda Zappitell is featured in Female, the inaugural exhibition of Whitewall Contemporary, a new space in Delray Beach, FL.
Mary Judge is one of several artists to be included in Cross Pollination, an exhibition showcasing work at the intersection of art and science at 516 Arts in Albuquerque. The show opens August 19th.
brain… glitter, Jack Davidson’s solo painting exhibition at Tat Art, Barcelona, continues through June 30th. He is also included in Apertures, a show that just opened in Houston at Hiram Butler Gallery and continues through July 29th.
Riot Grrrls, an exhibition of female artists making bold, adventurous paintings which closed recently at Chicago’s MCA, included works by Judy Ledgerwood.
Ted Kincaid will be showing in a group exhibition at Schoolhouse Gallery in Provincetown, MA opening June 30th.