To mark Women’s History Month, Manneken Press will present “Nevertheless She Persisted”, an online exhibition on our Artsy site. Opening March 8, 2018, International Women’s Day, the exhibition celebrates the amazing talents of fourteen female artists, and expresses our hope for the ultimate goal of equality among all artists, and among all peoples in all walks of life.
The artists included in the exhibition are:
Camille Billops, Mel Cook, LJ Douglas, Rhea Edge, Betty Friedman, Mary Judge, Judy Ledgerwood, Claire Lieberman, Jane McNichol, Kate Petley, Alison Saar, Sarah Smelser, Joan Winter, and Brenda Zappitell.

Thematically, the show is varied, with pieces ranging from the political to the purely abstract. Some of the notable pieces in the exhibition:
Man/Club, a 1993 lithograph, woodcut and etching, in which Alison Saar combines the form of a male figure and a wooden club. The print is in two layers: the figure has a hole cut out of it’s stomach through which the fetish objects printed on the paper below it can be viewed. This print was published by Vinalhaven Press.
The KKK Boutique Ain’t Just Rednecks is a color etching by Camille Billops made in 1993. It takes its title from the film of the same name, made by the artist and her husband, which explores the intricacies of racism in America. It was published by the artist and produced at the Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop in New York City. Man/Club and The KKK Boutique Ain’t Just Rednecks are printer’s proofs from the personal collection of Jonathan Higgins, the proprietor and master printer of Manneken Press.
Chromatic Patterns After the Graham Foundation – Pink, is one of three prints by Judy Ledgerwood, which directly relate to her site-specific installation/wall painting made for Chicago’s Graham Foundation in 2014. The prints riff on the metallic silver and fluorescent color/pattern scheme of the installation, executed here in woodcut and lithography with aluminum dust.
Still Life With Irises, by Chicago artist Mel Cook, combines the genres of still life and portraiture. Her monotype depicts a girl lost in thought with a cat and flowers floating through the composition. Collaged fabric and printed paper elements, and hand coloring complete the print.
Joan Winter used cropped photographs of her carved acrylic maquettes for Counterpoint, a suite of three photogravures.

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