The Wakeley Gallery at Illinois Wesleyan University, located in Bloomington, Illinois, will host the exhibition Recent Prints and Projects from Manneken Press, February 27 – March 30 2017.
The exhibition will include fine art prints and portfolios produced by an array of international artists at Manneken Press from 2014 to the present. A reception for the exhibition will be held in the gallery on March 2 from 5:00 – 6:00 pm.
The exhibition showcases Manneken Press, a fine art press and print publisher located in Bloomington, IL. The exhibition will include examples of contemporary printmaking, including etchings, aquatints, woodcuts, lithographs, photogravures, and portfolios, as well as unique monotypes and monoprints. Artists in the exhibition include Richard Hull, Judy Ledgerwood, Gary Justis, Mary Judge, Jack Davidson, Brenda Zappitell, Carlos Andrade, Kate Petley and Philip Van Keuren.
Highlights of the exhibition will include “Toward What Sun? Volume I”, a portfolio of ten photogravures by Dallas-based artist Philip Van Keuren, published in January of 2016, and “Untitled”, a mixed-media monotype by Columbian artist Carlos Andrade, published in November of 2016, in which vernacular materials such as plastic flags and string are incorporated into the print. The monotype by Brenda Zappitell will have been made only three weeks prior to the opening of the exhibition. Viewers will have the opportunity to see the work of artists from the local community (Gary Justis) and from as far away as Spain (Jack Davidson) and South America (Carlos Andrade). Though the primary focus of the exhibition will be abstraction, the exhibition will be a snapshot of current practices in printmaking, and viewers will have the chance to see contemporary works of art realized in traditional print media. “to open widows”, a concurrent exhibition by Bill Conger, will be in the adjacent Merwin Gallery.
For more information click here.
The Merwin & Wakeley Galleries are located on the ground floor of the Ames School of Art building, Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, IL.