The new Manneken Press website (www.mannekenpress.com) went live on Friday, May 29th 2015.
The new Manneken Press website is a complete rebuild of the old one which we have had since 2002, bringing us into the 21st C, technologically speaking. The new site has a fresh look, is better organized, easier to use and shows off the work quite well. We have re-photograhed a lot of the prints in our inventory so the images on the site are better quality and larger. The new site is built using WordPress with the “Salient” theme by Theme Nectar, and it is a responsive site so it should look just fine when viewed on a smart phone or iPad. The site was designed and built by yours truly, Jonathan Higgins, with occasional assistance and encouragement by Brandon Brown and Mark Purvis. Thanks guys! We have also added a new artist to the site: Philip Van Keuren, a photographer from Dallas, TX, whose photogravure print “Fountain”, 2016 is pictured above. We are currently printing the editions of his prints. Look for an announcement of the release of this new project later in the summer.