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Manneken Press in the Press

By May 17, 2024News, Uncategorized

Manneken Press has been getting some press!

T he exhibition catalog for “Disguise The Limit: John Yau’s Collaborations” is now available. Manneken Press’s contributions include the recent collaborative monotypes by Yau and Richard Hull, and Judy Ledgerwood’s “Chromatic Patterns After the Graham Foundation” portfolio, which includes a poem written by Yau.

The catalog is really beautiful, with color reproductions of all the works in the exhibition, and essays contributed by exhibition curator Stuart Horodner, Barry Schwabsky and Sharon Mesmer. Congratulations to the University of Kentucky Art Museum for putting together an amazing exhibition and catalog.

C hicago Gallery News has featured Manneken Press’s director Jonathan Higgins  in their Spring/Summer 2024 issue in the Five To Talk To section. Thanks CGN!


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